Central Serous Chorioretinopathy

Central serous chorioretinopathy (CSCR or CSR) is an idiopathic (cause unknown) condition in which fluid accumulates beneath the center of the retina causing decreased central vision.

Although no direct cause is known to cause this condition, it most commonly occurs in men aged 20-45 years old and can be associated with steroid use (including steroid creams or nasal sprays).  It sometimes occurs in individuals who experience higher than normal stress levels or who have a type “A” personality.


To make the diagnosis, the retina physician may perform an optical coherence tomography (OCT) test or fluorescein angiography (FA) test.

CSR often resolves spontaneously without any treatment, with good visual recovery — although this may take several weeks to months to occur.   The physician may recommend stress reduction or cessation of steroid use.  If the fluid does not go away on its own, then the doctor may recommend treatment with either a laser, a treatment called photodynamic therapy, or an injection of medication into the eye.